Hello Roman,
As you can see in the log files and screen captures, it was on 17470.1 Hz.
73, Stefan
Am 02.10.2018 15:53, schrieb Roman:
Hello Stefan, Edgar!
Whats FREQ was used?
Hi Edgar, VLF,
Once again we made it! And again i thank you for the patience and the
RX and notebook our experiment occupied. Also thanks for providing the
files each day.
Well, your result is based on the stack of the 21...26th September.
After these 6 days, the message was decodable with the Windows decoder
for the first time.
Actually we transmitted 2 days longer. These did even improve the
stack. With 8 days stacked the decoder does only show two decodes, both
of them show the correct message. Captures attached.
We decided to try a last experiment in this season: 5 characters! An
announcement will follow.
73, Stefan
Am 02.10.2018 04:10, schrieb Edgar:
A three character message "UFB", transmitted by Stefan Schaefer (DK7FC)
at JN48ik, has been received at QE37pd a distance of 16778 km.
The message was encoded and decoded using the EbNaut software by Paul
Nicholson. http://www.abelian.org/
Spectrum Lab software by Wolfgang "Wolf" Buescher (DL4YHF) was used to
capture the data. https://www.qsl.net/dl4yhf/spectra1.html
Software provided by Markus
Vester (DF6NM) was used to normalise and stack the data to be decoded.
The result was obtained by stacking the data files received
during the 21 st and 26 th of September.
The receiving set-up used a 1m x 28 mm diameter aluminium whip at 9m
with a FET buffer.
A Steinberg UR242 Audio Interface and ASUS note book were used to
capture the data files.
Thank you to Stefan, who made this result possible.
Regards, Edgar
Moonah, Tasmania.