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Re: [Lowfer] LF: Re: [rsgb_lf_group] Tonight TX WSPR-2 and WSPR-15

Subject: Re: [Lowfer] LF: Re: [rsgb_lf_group] Tonight TX WSPR-2 and WSPR-15
From: N1BUG <>
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2018 08:22:17 -0500
In-reply-to: <>
References: <> <> <> <>
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.6.0
Thanks Mike. I didn't see them at WSPRnet yesterday but they showed up this morning. Perhaps you uploaded them manually? If so, thanks!
I like WSPR-15. I find it very interesting and useful, but wish we 
could get it into a stable package.
Paul N1BUG

On 03/08/2018 06:25 PM, Mike Dennison wrote:
I also received 4 WSPR-15 transmissions from you last night, Paul,
over a longer timescale than the WSPR-2. Obviously mysoftware did not
report it.

Mike, G3XDV

Thanks for listening and for the report Craig. It was a slow night for
WSPR-15. You were indeed the only one who reported me on that mode
last night. I did mange to get WSPR-2 reports from G3XDV and PA7EY in
addition to several North American stations.

We're just nearing the end of a big winter storm but right now it
looks like I should be able to transmit again tonight, WSPR-2 and

Paul N1BUG FN55mf

On 03/08/2018 02:42 PM, craig wasson wrote:
I tried listening to wspr-15 on 137KHz last night for the first time
in about a year.  I thought things were working pretty bad since I
only got one decode which was N1BUG.  But looking at the
database, I seem to be the only decode for that signal, so feeling a
little better?

Running WSPR-X from an SDR-IQ with a short amplified vertical whip.

73 - Craig

   2018-03-08 10:00   N1BUG   0.137621   -37   0   FN55mf   0.5
   N6IO/M15 FM19ak   980   232

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