Hello dear friend Joe.
Not bad copy here coming from your MF QRSS 10 Transmission
this night.
- First reception at 2224 TU (sun site here -44°) and last at
0556 TU (sun site here -0.5°) ;
- Very stable reception all the night, little QSB and quiet
band ;
- Correct S/N, maximum was about +20 dB ;
- RX here : FT1000MP, 0.5 kHz BW and 12 dB front end attenuator
set on. RX ant : short vertical (25 - 5800j) with base LC tuner (1.9 mH serial
coil and 6.8 nf capacitor between ground and center coaxial wire) ;
- Using Spectran V2 build 216 software.
Best 73 de Andy F6CNI JN19QB.