On Thu, 28 Sep 2017, Markus Vester wrote:
before QSY, could you perhaps also leave the 8270.005 Hz carrier on air
overnight? This would give
Bernd DF9RB a chance to test his RX in a 31 uHz spectrogram.
and i'm sure others will benefit too, especially with a very long carrier
Marcin SQ2BXI has a grabber here (just turned on, so no signal yet):
this would be our first chance to test it.
i have a grabber here:
so for it has only been tested once.
and there's probably a few other stations lurking, waiting for
confirmation that their setup works. ebnaut is great, but nothing beats a
carrier for visual indication that everything is ok
VY 73
Jacek / SQ5BPF