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Re: LF: QRSS10 477.7 kHz/New TX

To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: QRSS10 477.7 kHz/New TX
From: Laurence KL7 L <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2017 15:11:37 +0000
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Thread-topic: LF: QRSS10 477.7 kHz/New TX
Joe - the warmness of the air coil was questioned with the author a few years 
ago when I built a few uep's whilst operating in 9V1 - no issues just a little 
heat which may be a concern if vfo etc was in the same enclosure.

no sign of your sig down here this time in XE - just too noisy at the moment

73 Laurence KL7L/XE. el60

> On Apr 8, 2017, at 10:07 AM, "[email protected]" <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Tuesday a new tx (gw3uep design) was built and worked very well.
> An IRFP140, sm capacitors and 1mm wire was used although L2 (7uH)
> beacme quite warm.  The 1 uF  caps (type unknown... yellow and stamped BEC 
> C11C) did their bypassing without complaint.
> Roelof had an O copy on yesterday morning (the 7th) during the
> first on the air test.
> G4JNT Andy's explanation of how the reactances are absorbed by the
> L network which brings the drain impedance to 50 ohms is enlightening.
> Is there a way to find impedance at the drain or is this just the
> R value on Alan's G3NYK Class E spreadsheet?
> The new TX will be on again 9 Apr. 0000-0900 utc
> Hopefully this design will be merciful on FETs.  If not, there's a
> 3-500 waiting on the shelf.
> 73's
> Joe VO1NA

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