Am 03.12.2016 18:46, schrieb Paul Nicholson:
> There have been 4 sunny days now.
Maybe your transmitter works better on sunny days?
During rain the antenna current drops not more than 0.7 dB.
However the phase... I don't think so but i will check it during the 75
character message.
I was able to get a decode from just the last four days:
Day Eb/N0 Phase S/N in 2.5kHz
161130 -7.2 133.6 -61.8
161201 -6.6 154.3 -61.2
161202 -7.0 172.4 -61.7
161203 -3.7 151.2 -58.3
decoded with Eb/N0 = -0.2 dB at list rank 969420.
Just 4 days, very nice. If one would know these days before...
Must have been due to the background noise. Yesterday it was sometimes
As someone said, propagation / QRN is like the weather forecast.
73, Stefan