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Re: LF: EbNaut on LF

Subject: Re: LF: EbNaut on LF
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2016 10:17:39 -0230 (NDT)
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>
Hi Makus and thank-you for the report and decoding. Sorry for the late reply. There have been issues with email here.
Your grabbers are very useful for checking the signals and ensuring I
haven't made a silly error in the setup.  Perhpas the low Eb/NO is
related to the high QRN that seems to be evident on  your grabbers.

73 & TNX Joe
On Thu, 18 Aug 2016, Markus Vester wrote:

Hi Joe,

I can report a couple of decodes from your 3:45 and 4:00 UT sequences last 
night (Aug 18). Timing and frequency were good, and the signal was well visible 
on the grabber and in the phase plots. But still the decodes came out with no 
more than 0 and 2.4 dB Eb/N0, so maybe something in my RX setup is still not 

All the best,
Markus (DF6NM)

-----UrsprĂźngliche Mitteilung-----
Von: jcraig <>
An: rsgb_lf_group <>
Verschickt: Do, 18 Aug 2016 12:45 am
Betreff: Re: LF: EbNaut on LF

Hi Stefan,

Perhaps I should QSY back to 137.477 again! On 777 tonight and will
try 477 tomorrow if that's OK. How big are the text files?

I use your grabber to check my sigs. Thanks for this service!


On Wed, 17 Aug 2016, DK7FC wrote:

Hello Joe,

I'm sorry, i forgot to mention that i'm getting my EbNaut decodes from the
exportet FFT data (text files) from OPDS. That means the transmission must be
somewhere arround 137.5 kHz +- 50 Hz.
Maybe i can search for a PC with 64 bit here in the institute to decode your
155 char message. I still have the text file :-)

73, Stefan

Am 16.08.2016 20:33, schrieb
OK Stefan, lets try a shorter message (54 chars) tonight starting 2300 utc
and every 15 mins. 150 watts 2 amps RF. 137.777 kHz 1432 0.2 s
symbols, 4K19A.

I like my 32 bit machine too!

Thanks for the helpful advice Markus. I noticed the different colours
on your grabber. Will go for a shorter message this time.

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