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LF: SAQ reception in JN19QB

To: "RSGB LF Group" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: SAQ reception in JN19QB
From: "F6CNI - Andy - JN19QB" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2016 12:14:34 +0200
Importance: Normal
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]

HI all.


As usual good signal here from SAQ during the first full transmission at 1100 local time. Received message (after correcting some errors sent by the CW operator, HI !) :


« …. This is grimeton radio / saq a transmission using the alexander 200 kw alternator on 17,2 khz / it is now 20 years »…… etc….


Next transmission will occur at 1400 local time.


Conditions here : Rx FT1000MP + home made converter 0 – 100 kHz. Antenna Inv L tuned on frequency with about 190 mH serial coil.


Report signal : using SPM3 : 70 µV no signal band noise and about 2 mV SAQ signal. S/N is about 30 dB. The FT1000MP S meter show S8  with a 35 db serial attenuator in the antenna.


73 de Andy – F6CNI - JN19QB.

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