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Re: VLF: EbNaut transmission on 8270.1 Hz again and again

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: VLF: EbNaut transmission on 8270.1 Hz again and again
From: Paul Nicholson <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2016 11:27:11 +0000
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
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> Just 4 hours are gone now, i can't await it!

20 hours now, and I ran LWPC which predicts only a 35 degree
phase change between day and night.   If that works out, then
I won't need to do any elaborate diurnal phase compensation,
it is well within the phase search range of the decoder.

> What about the phase of DHO38

Shows a 180 phase shift between midday and midnight. If we
estimate the phase change to reduce in proportion to the
frequency, we would expect 67 degrees at 8.27 kHz.  Still
within the range of the phase search.

> For slower modes (taking more then 12 hours), could it be
> useful to insert non-keyed sections to make a phase check
> each 2 hours or so?

Maybe, but it would spoil the Eb/N0 capability of the mode.

Paul Nicholson

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