Only the first EbNaut transmissions was post-poned of 5 minutes.
It is started at 18:05 UT. Sorry.
Yes, Graham, thanks for the suggestion ! My next OP-32 test will
be at low power . I will inform the Group when ready.
again 73 all
Domenico iz7lsz
On 3/10/2016 6:53 PM, Graham wrote:
Ok Domenico
100 watts ! ok revise the power for the next test to 1
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2016 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: LF: EbNaut tonight?
Hello LF,
EbNaut message will be sent from here on 137485.00 Hz
27 characters
0.5 s
code 8K19A
duration 13' 4''
starting from 18.00 UT each 30 mins.
Thanks for the attention.
73, Domenico iz7slz / JN80NU
On 3/10/2016 1:43 PM, Markus Vester wrote:
.. a nice chance for a two-way EbNaut contact between G8LMD
and IZ7SLZ?
73 and good luck,
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2016 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: LF: 23:56 136 IZ7SLZ de G3XDV Op32
-26 dB F:7% in Welwyn
Hi LF,
thanks Graham for the reports.
Yesterday i have tested my TX antenna after repairs
and some improvements at top-load, making two OP-32
trasmissions at 137485.00 Hz with 100W Pout.
Antenna is a 8 meter high element + 6 additional
vertical wires (cage) with top load horizontal cage
built with 5 x 8 meter wires layed at "meander". It seems
working good.
Maybe this evening some EbNaut LF transmissions from me. I
will inform the Group before the test.
73, Domenico iz7slz