I received one of these from China,
and it works nicely. The GPS is a U-Blox NEO-6M,
The NEO-6 series doesn't do GLONASS, only GPS.
The OCXO is an Oscilloquartz 8663-XS which apparently is quite
a good one.
RS232 (DCE: tx on pin 2) outputs NMEA at 9600 baud and has a
PPS on CTS pin 8 which is detected by gpsd and used by ntpd.
PPS width is 100mS. The device can probably be switched to
U-blox binary protocol for more info and better control but
I haven't tried that.
10MHz output is vaguely square, 4.5V peak. I bought from the
cheapest listing on Ebay and it came with an active antenna
with a good cable length but it seems a little deaf compared
to other antennas I have. Power required is 12VDC 15W and
the PSU supplied doesn't fit UK mains sockets and in any case
is only rated 1A.
Under test with gpsd -D5
Paul Nicholson