Yes, that's the problem, if the Tx site is 'remote' , well not a
problem if you fire the opera decoder -40 and above , then you have a
data decode, call sign, s/n, % fade and frequency , but if there is only
a single Rx , and only a dynamic spot then its back to basic's ....may
be a TX beacon in the psk-map data base .
Simple work around is to run a local decode [ can be audio from the
app or off air ] to give the system a time stamp, cheap $10 dongle
in direct sample works fine, just on leakage..
From: "Laurence KL7 L" <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2016 9:46 PM
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: Opera decode
We did the same sort of thing a few days back to validate ja5np decode of
xpq - time and exact frequency were good...
On Jan 18, 2016, at 12:40, Graham <[email protected]> wrote:
''Decode from LA4ANA'' -
That is the output from the dynamic DETECTOR , ie pattern matching
correlation detector, provided as a second lower s/n detection
should the Opera DECODER fail to recover the transmission.
lower limit for op32 ~ -40 dB s/n
The Dynamic detector attempts to 'pattern match' the Tx 010100
,a primitive 'Painting by numbers' system if you like, dynamic is set
to give ~ -6 dB
The issue of false detection/real call signs is addressed in the Opera
Dynamic system
and the system output, clearly indicates when the spot is Opera or
Dynamic, validated
or not.
False opera decode = call sign format 'random characters'
False dynamic detection = call sign from list , wrong time stamp
Deep Search ?? = Not Validated
In the case of a non-validation '??' ,
its to the users to evaluate the situation ,
was the station sending ?
is the frequency that of the detected station ?
is the time stamp aligned with the expected Tx ?
Issues with the psk-map seem to be a common theme, the system uploads
have not
changed , but map-housekeeping routines could be removing swl markers
From: "John Gibbs" <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2016 4:28 AM
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Opera decode
Decode from LA4ANA just after local sunset here.. was this station
on air at 18_0141 utc ??? Must be bogus.
Anyone know why version of Opera v1.5.8 on LF or MF would not show on
PSK map. Earlier versions used to.
03:06 136 WE2XPQ de VE7BDQ Op32 Deep Search ?? 2147 km -43 dB in
SOUTHDELTA BC 1474.1 Hz with 10w + Marconi
01:41 136 LA4ANA de VE7BDQ Op32 Deep Search ?? -42 dB in SOUTHDELTA
1531.3 Hz
*********** 18/01/2016 ***********
73 John / VE7BDQ