OK, I’ll be QRV with my QRP TX january 8 starting from 20.00 UT. Using JT9
WSJT-X v 1.6.0 and WSQ2.
About the QRG, using the usual one for these modes on MF band : 475.500 kHz
USB dial.
@++ Andy.
On 1/2/2016 7:30 PM, Rik Strobbe wrote:
Anyone interested in another JT9 QSO party one of these
Yes, here there is much interest for this activity.
Rik thank you for the idea and invitation !
As per your suggestion next
January 8, 2016 will be fine, starting from
Good opportunity to work with the WSJT-X version 1.6.0 that i
have installed but never tested.
Hope to have a contact in JT9 with many
stations (old friends and WSPR new-comers).
I will be active also in
WSQ2. Anyone want to use this very nice, but forgotten mode ?
Informations are on DL4YHF Wolf's website:
and cu on January 8 !
Domenico / iz7slz