19 November 2015
I am adding remote variometer control to my 136kHz loading coil. I
would like to know what impact the placement of the variometer has.
For example, I could add it before the bottom winding of the loading
coil, in the middle, by splitting the windings, or at the top, between
top winding and aerial. I am guessing I should place it before the
coil's bottom winding to minimise voltages on it, but am unsure what
other impact this may have. I am hoping to use this ex Russian device
in the link below, motor driven via its reduction gear quadrant, via a
1 RPM drive motor. It goes from about 16 to 100uH with the windings
wired in series.
Images of variometer here: http://www.chriswilson.tv/variometer.zip
Best regards,
Chris 2E0ILY mailto:[email protected]