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Re: LF: Re: Top loaded vertical spiral antenne

Subject: Re: LF: Re: Top loaded vertical spiral antenne
From: Marcel Bos <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2015 16:52:06 +0200
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In-reply-to: <A40173A4BD7E40F5BC13D77CC7EC78C2@gnat>
References: <> <A40173A4BD7E40F5BC13D77CC7EC78C2@gnat>
Hi Allen G3NYK, Dave G3WCB, Stefan DK7FC

tnx for your help, tips on website's and own experience.

I will try the toploaded spiral vertical. Beginning was just done this afternoon.

inductance of the spiral is 328 uh, cap 75 pf , one meter about ground level.
next putting some toploaded wire's as described in the article. Lets see what happened.

About the tip from Stefan.
In my backyard i ve a vertical about 10 m (spiderbeam with wire) total wire lengt 23 meters with atu cg3000.  radials about 400 meters total. different lenghts.

Maybe i can try this vertical without the tuner to resonate with vario meter to 472 khz?

tnx for suggestions


i will take some pictures this week.

2015-06-01 13:00 GMT+02:00 Alan Melia <>:
Hi Marcel the original idea came from a Pat Hawker Technical Topics column. It was originally in a Canadian BC Journal and recommended for short free standing MW BC antennas. We  did the experiments you found in the web pages on 136kHz. Gary up in Preston made one too. The problem with them is the windage of the spiral, Garry G4WGT had his destroyed in a light gale.  They can work but as our experiments showed top-load capaitance is far more effectinf at reducing ground loss and increasing the efficiency. Hence the additional tests with capacitance added above the spiral. wirespacing was 5 to 10 cm from memory and not too critical, yes it you need the inductance you can wing out below the stays and back in again above then and get 4 times the inductance. You will not need so much inductance at 475kHz. It is also possible to helically wind the vertical. The gain achieved is relatively low measured at an increase in Rrad of about 10%.
Best Wishes
----- Original Message -----
From: Marcel Bos
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 10:11 AM
Subject: LF: Top loaded vertical spiral antenne


My backyard is in the city 8 x 8 m.  My intention is to do some experiments on 472 khz.
Ready: RX converter 0-500 khz 10 mhz osc. and K3, RX ant. pa0rdt whip and receiving loop

TX: GW3UEP 100 watt, RF meter, and variometer 30 uh -600 uh

Now i'm looking for a antenne. Found a article from Finnbar EI0CF and Alan G3NYK about the spiral toploaded vertical.

Has any body tryed this antenne, is the original article availble.
What is the distance between the wire's  of the spiral?
Also talking about a double spiral?

So who is gone help me out  ore has some better suggetions for a antenne in my backyard

tnx in advanced


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