Hi Uwe,
why are you not showing up in the database (list of active stations)?
I believe you will be copyable by someone.
Is your system time set accurately ?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [email protected]
>[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of wensauer
>Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 6:54 PM
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: LF: Re: WSPR 630m
>Hi Clemens,
>ja der TX läuft in 10 min Intervall.
>Pwr ist an der Antenne 1,3 Watt.
>Ant. 12m Tee, Dach ist 40m
>Ich nehme einmal stark an, dass die Sendeleistung viel zu
>klein ist, um
>überhaupt gehört zu werden.
>Auf der anderen Seite werden Signale aus USA gehört ?
>Mal sehen wie das Signal später am Abend wird.
>Hatte bereits normale cw- QSO, allerdings dann mit 50 Watt.
>900m Amp)
>WSPR und "normales CW"sind bei mir 2 verschiedene Stn.
>Für wspr baue ich gerade eine kleine PA mit 20 Watt
>Würde mich freuen, wenn Du einmal mein Signal entdecken würdest.
>How do you get the reports ?
>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>From: Clemens Paul
>Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 1:38 PM
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: RE: LF: RE: WSPR 630m
>Hi Uwe,
>are you transmitting at present?
>I don't see your callsign in the WSPR activity list for MW.
>Ant.2x155m Dipol;
>RX Perseus
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: [email protected]
>>[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of wensauer
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 12:45 PM
>>To: [email protected]
>>Subject: Re: LF: RE: WSPR 630m
>>Hi Rik and all
>>I´am running a WSPR 630m ? all day long until midnight
>>I wonder if it can be heard before its running with more power as now
>>Uwe, DK1KQ, JO43IU
>>From: Rik Strobbe <mailto:[email protected]>
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 10:53 AM
>>To: [email protected]
>>Subject: LF: RE: WSPR 630m
>>Hello Roelof,
>>I had half a dozen decodes of WG2XJM too.
>>But this is still peanuts compared to the 2009-2011 winters
>>where I could often copy the US stations as early as 22 UTC
>>and as late as 7 UTC.
>>Let's hope for another extended solar minimum in a few years.
>>73, Rik ON7YD - OR7T
>>Van: [email protected]
>>[[email protected]] namens
>>[email protected] [[email protected]]
>>Verzonden: dinsdag 17 februari 2015 9:44
>>Aan: [email protected]
>>Onderwerp: LF: WSPR 630m
>>Hello all,
>>I am pleased to report excellent T/A reception on WSPR 630m:
>>2015-02-17 05:50 WG2XJM 0.475778 -21 +40 PA0RDT JO11tm 6131
>>2015-02-17 05:38 WG2XJM 0.475778 -23 +40 PA0RDT JO11tm 6131
>>2015-02-17 05:18 WG2XJM 0.475778 -17 +40 PA0RDT JO11tm 6131
>>2015-02-17 05:08 WG2XJM 0.475778 -19 +40 PA0RDT JO11tm 6131
>>2015-02-17 04:56 WG2XJM 0.475778 -27 +40 PA0RDT JO11tm 6131
>>2015-02-17 04:42 WG2XJM 0.475778 -21 +40 PA0RDT JO11tm 6131
>>2015-02-17 04:30 WG2XJM 0.475778 -19 +40 PA0RDT JO11tm 6131
>>2015-02-17 04:22 WG2XJM 0.475778 -26 +40 PA0RDT JO11tm 6131
>>2015-02-17 04:02 WG2XJM 0.475778 -28 +40 PA0RDT JO11tm 6131
>>2015-02-17 03:10 WG2XJM 0.475778 -23 +37 PA0RDT JO11tm 6131
>>2015-02-17 02:42 WG2XJM 0.475778 -30 +37 PA0RDT JO11tm 6131
>>2015-02-17 02:10 WG2XJM 0.475778 -28 +37 PA0RDT JO11tm 6131
>>2015-02-17 04:28 WG2XKA 0.475726 -28 +30 PA0RDT JO11tm 5546
>>2015-02-17 04:08 WG2XKA 0.475726 -29 +30 PA0RDT JO11tm 5546
>>2015-02-17 03:06 WG2XKA 0.475726 -25 +30 PA0RDT JO11tm 5546
>>2015-02-17 02:54 WG2XKA 0.475726 -25 +30 PA0RDT JO11tm 5546
>>2015-02-17 02:44 WG2XKA 0.475726 -25 +30 PA0RDT JO11tm 5546
>>2015-01-23 02:30 WG2XKA 0.475725 -26 +30 PA0RDT JO11tm 5546
>>Over the last week solar flux has dropped from 150 to 120 and
>>that seems to pay off. During the great LF conditions in
>>2009-2011 solar flux was often below 80.
>>Best regards,
>>From: Roelof Bakker, pa0rdt
>>Location: Middelburg, Zealand SW Netherlands, 51 30 02 N, 03 36 02 E
>>Locator: JO11tm
>>Receiver: PERSEUS, USB mode, bandwidth 2400 Hz
>>Aerial: pa0rdt-mini-whip, 5 metre up in a hawthorn tree.