On 10/01/2015 11:09, Mike Dennison wrote:
My understanding is that callsigns in the 'look-up table' are dropped
after 8 hours. Reducing this period might help
Mike, My info regarding the Dynamic Call sign list states :-
call signs for the band in use are held for 3 days in the
Dynamic Call sign List,
But I stand to be corrected if this has recently changed.
73, de Gary - G4WGT
MF-LF-VLF Grabber : http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/wgtaylor/grabber2.html
Web : http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/wgtaylor/index.html
There is a British saying "Don't throw the baby out with the
bathwater". Amongst the criticism of false decodes (which I have been
part of), we must not forget that Opera is now more sensitive - the
equivalent of doubling everybody's power - which must be good. This
has led to many more good DX decodes.
Now, in response to suggestions from users, the writers have modified
the program to flag up decodes that might be suspicious, which is
what OPDS does (but in a different way). Used with caution, this will
address most of the problems experienced with the launch version.
The controversial PDF file has also been dropped from the zip file.
Deep Search, originally developed by DF6NM, has always involved
"guesswork", and therefore needs to be viewed with caution. In short
it compares a list of known active stations (again Op and OPDS does
this differently) with what might be described as 'partial decodes'
and finds the best match. Anyone who has worked DX, operated in a
contest or used QRSS will be familiar with that technique. Indeed
that is how the human brain works all of the time - it matches what
its sees with a huge look-up table of past experiences, which is why
we see faces in clouds (a false decode). The key is to use our
experience to work out what is true and what is false.
I would suggest three more improvements:
My understanding is that callsigns in the 'look-up table' are dropped
after 8 hours. Reducing this period might help.
For those who don't like Deep Search, there should be an 'off'
switch, perhaps in the existing Deep Search menu. The 'on' swtch
might come with a "use with caution" message.
Used carefully, the new v1.5.6 should be a great improvement on the
(pre Deep Search) version 1.5.4.
Mike, G3XDV