Thanks Markus - we do have the occasional carrier incursion from various power metering Turtle systems but I see what you mean. Ive been running the rx system for a few months and this was the first so far this year on Opds save for JA - the Transpolar openings have been rarer than rocking horse poop.
The sun just keeps up on topping up nasty particles -
Appreciate the software- another excellent tool. Coming up to the best times to Eu over the pole so fingers crossed we get a quieter period, and less of the X files incursions.
Laurence KL7l
UW8SM is usually a strong signal here but no
indication of a transmission at that time and frequency, so almost certainly a
false positive.
Opds detections with correlation marginally above
15 dB are generally a bit suspicious, especially if accompanied by fairly
good carrier SNR (ie. better than 45 dBOp or so). This usually
indicates that opds has locked on some spurious carrier, eg another
transmission or a Loran line, and the modulation or noise around it
happened to resemble one of the listed callsign patterns. If you have a
well calibrated frequency readout (better than a couple of milliHz), you can
configure opds to ignore lines from specific Loran chains.
Best 73,
Markus (DF6NM)
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2014 8:06 PM
Subject: LF: OP32Ds decode UW8SM <?>
Not sure but this decoded - cant see any parallel
times decoding on Opera live - just after my dawn yesterday =- don't think
its "real" <?> Especially given magsol over the past 48 hours, but
stranger things have happened
date time call
distance frequency bandwidth snr
correlation 2014-12-19 20:37:37 UW8SM 7738km
137533.126Hz 3mHz -42.9dBOp 71% 15.0dB Laurence