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LF: MF: VO1NA (was: VO1NA de F6CNI : 136K OP32)

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: MF: VO1NA (was: VO1NA de F6CNI : 136K OP32)
From: wolf_dl4yhf <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 23:58:07 +0100
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130620 Thunderbird/17.0.7
Not a trace in the spectrogram on 477.7 kHz here yet ... but that would have been very optimistic, considering the QRN.
Only "RP" (beacon) happily beeping away .

A minute-long continuous carrier later at night may have the chance to get through and give us an idea about the signal level... and how many dBs are missing for audible copy ;-)

Wolf DL4YHF .

Am 31.10.2014 23:13, schrieb [email protected]:
Sorry Christian, that should have read 'In 4 minutes'.
The beacon has been on since 2130 and I've been listening
on 80 and 40 metres.


On Fri, 31 Oct 2014, C. Groeger wrote:

What do you mean by 4 minutes?

Christian Groeger

[email protected] schrieb:

Hi Christian, Group,

Will start the CW at 2130 utc tonight (4 minutes). Good luck.

On Fri, 31 Oct 2014, C. Groeger wrote:

Hi Joe,
When will you be qrv in cw tonight?

Christian Groeger

[email protected] schrieb:

Merci Andy and all who reported.
Happy to hear that the sigs could actually be heard. We will have
to try for a 2 way in winter.

Will try some CW tonight on 477.7 kHz in preparation of
tomorrow night's event. Reports welcomed.

Best 73's Joe VO1NA

On Thu, 30 Oct 2014, Andr�� Guy�� wrote:

Hello Joe.

Good cdx OP32 LF this morning. Here some reports I give to your signal :
06:39 136 VO1NA Op32 -18 dB 
--- - - ---- - -- ---- --| Fade: 18%
06:04 136 VO1NA Op32 -16 dB 
-----------------------| Fade: 1%
05:29 136 VO1NA Op32 -19 dB |--------------- 
------------| Fade: 2%
04:54 136 VO1NA Op32 -18 dB |- 
------------------------| Fade: 2%
04:19 136 VO1NA Op32 -21 dB 
---| Fade: 1%
03:44 136 VO1NA Op32 -22 dB |---------------------------- - - 
Fade: 4%
01:59 136 VO1NA Op32 -25 dB 
--------- --- -- ---- - -| Fade: 9%
01:24 136 VO1NA Op32 -33 dB |-- ------- --------------- ----------- 
------------------------- ------ ---- -- -------- 
-------------------------- ---| Fade: 8%
00:49 136 VO1NA Op32 -40 dB |-- -- -- ---- -------- - ------- ----- 
--- - ----------------- --- 
-------------------------------------------------| Fade: 13%
*********** 30/10/2014 ***********
23:04 136 VO1NA Op32 -22 dB |------------------------------------------------------ ------------- --------------------------------------------------| Fade: 2% 22:29 136 VO1NA Op32 -23 dB | ------ --- ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------| Fade: 3% 21:54 136 VO1NA Op32 -26 dB |-------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------| Fade: 1%
*********** 29/10/2014 ***********

You see that this morning, ���16 dB is great, and 569 by ears. I was using my large K9AY as usual, without preamplifier and the IC7200 with the common 50 Hz DSP filter. In center of my large city, the local QRN is moderate on LF but high on MF..
About your CW test TM with the two other stations, 478.477 is a 
good QRG. But for the x-band QSO, I am sorry : 3562 is in the QRP 
segment, and 7062 is in the LSB segment. So I���ll cannot answer 
you. Sure your signal be audible on MF CW, as usual here around 
0300 TU.
Bet 73 and luck.

Andy F6CNI.

-----Message d'origine-----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 11:50 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Re: VO1NA 136K OP32

Thank-you Markus. The TX was running about 4 amps to the 100m wire.
Your summer antenna, rx and opds are working very well indeed.

Has my oscillator drifted down a bit? The DDS is set for 137.477.


On Wed, 29 Oct 2014, Markus Vester wrote:

Hi Joe,

of course we're watching! Think that I actually caught each of your Op transmissions between midnight and 7:33 UT. Average-power SNR's were in the minus fourties; might have really been a bit better but I'm still on the low and noisy "summer" RX antenna.
Best 73,
Markus (DF6NM)

2014-10-29 07:33:23 VO1NA 4585km 137477.000Hz 2mHz -43.5dBOp 100% 18.1dB 2014-10-29 06:58:22 VO1NA 4585km 137476.999Hz 2mHz -41.9dBOp 99% 19.5dB 2014-10-29 06:23:23 VO1NA 4585km 137476.999Hz 2mHz -40.5dBOp 100% 19.9dB 2014-10-29 05:48:22 VO1NA 4585km 137476.999Hz 2mHz -44.0dBOp 99% 18.6dB 2014-10-29 05:13:23 VO1NA 4585km 137476.999Hz 2mHz -43.2dBOp 100% 18.3dB 2014-10-29 04:38:22 VO1NA 4585km 137476.999Hz 3mHz -47.3dBOp 99% 16.8dB 2014-10-29 04:18:06 LA4ANA 1164km 137500.675Hz 3mHz -40.5dBOp 98% 20.9dB 2014-10-29 04:03:21 VO1NA 4585km 137476.999Hz 2mHz -41.0dBOp 100% 19.6dB 2014-10-29 03:28:20 VO1NA 4585km 137476.999Hz 1mHz -41.3dBOp 99% 18.4dB 2014-10-29 02:53:21 VO1NA 4585km 137477.000Hz 2mHz -42.6dBOp 100% 18.3dB 2014-10-29 02:18:20 VO1NA 4585km 137476.999Hz 2mHz -43.7dBOp 99% 19.4dB 2014-10-29 02:04:46 LA4ANA 1164km 137500.676Hz 3mHz -48.3dBOp 88% 15.2dB 2014-10-29 01:43:21 VO1NA 4585km 137476.999Hz 2mHz -40.4dBOp 100% 18.5dB 2014-10-29 01:33:10 SM6BHZ 923km 137509.959Hz 2mHz -32.3dBOp 100% 19.2dB 2014-10-29 01:08:20 VO1NA 4585km 137476.999Hz 2mHz -42.6dBOp 99% 19.4dB 2014-10-29 01:00:22 SM6BHZ 923km 137509.959Hz 2mHz -29.7dBOp 100% 21.9dB 2014-10-29 00:42:32 G3XDV 843km 137541.803Hz 2mHz -33.1dBOp 100% 22.2dB 2014-10-29 00:33:19 VO1NA 4585km 137476.999Hz 2mHz -46.8dBOp 100% 17.4dB

From: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 9:45 PM
To: Graham
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Re: VO1NA 136K OP32 G8HUH 2200m OPERA 3550 km 08:43:23

Hi Graham,

Thanks for this and also the report from SV8RV. I was wondering
if anyone was listening to my opera... Anyway, I'm still tinkering
with the dds/ttl/cmos stuff and have a carrier on 478.477 which hopefully will be singing on the air after the CW event tomorrow (TX 477.7 RX 3562 7062
starting 2130 utc).

The 2200m Opera is about to begin soon (2045 UTC).

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