Hello John,
Probably this was my signal, i've been transmitting Opera 32 until 8
UTC on 137.573 kHz.
BTW i got a report by KU4XR in Tenessee:
opds Results from overnight in Friendsville, TN. - EM75xr ( OPERA - no decodes )
2014-03-30 06:15:17 DK7FC 7258km 137573.019Hz 8mHz -48.5dBOp 94% 16.5dB
2014-03-30 02:45:09 DK7FC 7258km 137573.035Hz 9mHz -50.4dBOp 95% 15.1dB
Conds can't have been to bad :-)
I can't explain the -20 dBc sidebands. I've measured my sidebands to be -35 dBc some time ago and didn't change anything on the LF setup. I'll check it soon again.
73, Stefan/DK7FC
Am 30.03.2014 13:00, schrieb John Rabson:
This morning at about 0745Z I received a signal which seemed to be QRSS. It would have been a strong signal except that I’m still suffering from severe QRM. I was unable to identify it, but there were traces of 50 Hz side bands about -20 dBc.
This was the first signal I had received for some weeks. I’m still hunting the source of interference.
John F5VLF