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Re: LF: 8270 (was 8970)

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: 8270 (was 8970)
From: Gary - G4WGT <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2014 11:01:40 +0000
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Wolf, LF,

Just checked all my syncing & found GQD off now so switched to GBZ & all OK.

73, de Gary

Wolf_dl4yhf wrote:
Hi Markus, Uwe and all,

Similar here - some static, causing the noise level on the E-field ant to rise a lot. Not much hope to catch weak signals from there, but anyway the 2nd "VLF"-netbook will continue to run overnight. Not sure what caused the loss of sync from GBZ overnight (possibly the receiver didn't tolerate WhiSPeRing on MF last night.. both antennas are less than 10 meters apart).

  Wolf .

Am 06.01.2014 21:05, schrieb Markus Vester:
Uwe mentioned that he is currently running a Op-4H sequence, and has shifted down to 8269.99 Hz since 18:39 UT. I have been sending a straight carrier on 8270.00 from 18:02 to 19:48. It has now started to rain a little so no more VLF from here this evening.
Best 73,
Markus (DF6NM)
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 7:15 PM
Cc: Paul
Subject: Re: LF: 8270 (was 8970)

Wolf, all,
according to Lubos grabber, it looks like Uwe shut down the 8270 Hz carrier at 17 UT. I have restarted mine on the same frequency since 18:02, and intend to stay on for a couple of hours if all goes well.
73, Markus


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