I am amazed at your captures! Looking at signals on the Continent the band appeared essentially dead until late hours as shown on Hartmut's grabber.
The extra hop into the eastern stations just wasn't there until late and for not very long.
I will be back on tonight on 74.3213 and then maybe back to 137 next week when temps drop again-thanks and 73 for now-Bob
> From:
[email protected]> To:
[email protected]> Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2014 10:43:53 +0000
> Subject: LF: 74.322kHz T/A good again
> Another good night as the attached caps show. Solid signal from
> switch on just after 2200 until 0730UTC when the strength was so good
> that perhaps another hour might have been possible. A litle fading
> but not deep. The first cap shows Bob's signal some 15dB above the
> noise, though note that is at audio and after processing, not RF at
> the antenna, but it suggests that copy could be obtained with 10dB
> less power.
> It was a rare calm, frosty night but we are back to the wet gales for
> another 36 hours now.
> Mike, G3XDV
> =========