Am 01.12.2013 23:14, schrieb [email protected]:
Signal off to a good start tonight ...
http://www.w1vd.com/grabber.html ... 20 dB s/n in 28 mHz.
Thanks. Very nice! Congrats to your UFB RX system, BTW.
Doesn't appear that the new buildings are hurting your signal too
much. Curious ... did they affect the tuning?
Yes, they do. They must do. The building is growing to slowly to see the
effect. But recently i was TXing WSPR-15 on LF while the closest crane
turned. As it came closer to the antenna i saw the "L-" LED blinking a
few times. As it continues to turn and turned away again i saw the "L+"
LED turning a few times! You know, the variometer starts to turn when
doing QSY by >= 7 Hz...
73, Stefan
----- Original Message ----- From: "Stefan Schäfer"
<[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2013 4:22 PM
Subject: LF: LF tonite
I'll leave the digital stuff and switch over to traditional DFCW-90
on 136.172 kHz until about 8 UTC.
73, Stefan/DK7FC