LF and MF improved last night up in AK and I hope they continue that way. 6 decodes of WG2XIQ Wspr2 on 475 over a 5Kkms path, and I see Op32 136khz from JG1 and VE7.
Bob/Dexon 74khz path still not that good but traces
Ill be setting up the station in the car tonite to "see what I can see"
Laurence KL7L
Henny; I see you had "solid" copy from start till finish! My signal just not as strong as it was a couple weeks ago. Wonder if peak for signal strength has passed? I see Dex at end like night before. Good job and thanks, Bob
From: cpm@planet.nlTo: rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.orgDate: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 12:12:15 +0100 Subject: LF: capt243 04-11-13
Gm Bob,Dex,LF
Capter nr.2 74550
henny cpm
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