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Aw: LF: 74.5495 Starts at 2330 Tonight QRSS 60...

To: [email protected]
Subject: Aw: LF: 74.5495 Starts at 2330 Tonight QRSS 60...
From: LZ <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 18:39:22 +0100 (CET)
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Hi Bob,
Antenna: 7x2m single turn loop@26m, E/W, tuned 160nF
Preamp: LI-75A from NF Electronic, balanced mode, 40dB
Sound: 1:4 transf., Intel 82801I, 192 kc/16, Unix/OSS
App: HydroAcoustic Signal Analysis System (GuiSpect),
32768 Hanning, decimation 1024, NCO 74.438 kc
Laura, N/W-Europe
WG2XRS/4 NY [XRS4] 74.5495 kHz, QRSS 60 mode-any captures appreciated-Bob
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