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LF: ALL de RN3AGC (European Russia): Beacon Op8 in Moscow, QRPPPPPPP

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: ALL de RN3AGC (European Russia): Beacon Op8 in Moscow, QRPPPPPPP
From: "Graham" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2013 21:41:50 +0100
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 QRPPPP  ... But  still   10 dB QROOOO  !
-34 dB expected  minimum 
73 _G,
20:28 136 RN3AGC de RW3ADB Op8 21 mi -26 dB in Moscow KO85ro

20:28 136 RN3AGC de RX3DHR Op8 94 mi -24 dB in Zaraysk

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  • LF: ALL de RN3AGC (European Russia): Beacon Op8 in Moscow, QRPPPPPPP, Graham <=