On 18/02/2013 11:31, mal hamilton wrote:
I did decode you at the same time. I have
noticed many times although I get decodes they do not
always appear on the web DB, others have noticed the same,
something to do with the Internet speed at the time.
Poor computer equipment ? or lack of understanding that invalid data
is detected as invalid.?
If you are throwing doubt about the validy
of this decode then treat the others also as suspect !! You
cannot pick and choose.
I fully agree, all claims have to meet the criteria, yours does not.
I cannot recall getting false/corrupt
decodes, its seems to be all or nothing.
Lack of experience.
It seems odd that it was CX2 a genuine
call prefix why was it not CB, CZ , CY, C31, CL7 etc then it
would raise some suspicion.
Try to understand the decoding principles, Joe will help you.
You are now guessing that it was WG2XCT
---------- is WSPR a guessamode if you do not like what you
see guess what it might be!!
There you go twisting what I said to fit your argument, I made no
guesses, just an observation based on facts which could help you to
get a valid decode, i.e. turn your beam to the West.
I have an open mind about such events but
MIRACLES seems to be the flavour of the month, I am just
carried along with the flow !!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 18,
2013 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: LF: WSPR DX
Hi Mal
On 18/02/2013 09:26, mal hamilton wrote:
Some good DX about this past couple of
this morning
0916 -25 1.4 0.475745 2 CX4DVF 13
Well at least the system wasn't stupid enough to think it was a
valid decode and add it to the database.
There really aren't that many false decodes if the RX signal is
free of spurii. May be it was a mix of my enormous signal, you
received me at that time, with a sprog at your end.
Or maybe you shouldn't be getting sarcastic maybe you should be
getting excited. VK2DAG transmitted at that time.
More likely though with the coincidence of characters in the
Call and the QRG it could have been WG2XCT also co timed.
This must indeed be a MIRACLE mode
Its not doing bad at all lately is it.
de G3KEV