Subject: RE: LF: xpq 137. 776 / and overnight reports (tnx)
Good morning Mauro - Loop dimensions appx - 20m verticals, around 35m horizontals, lower horizontal about 3m above ground. Fed at one lower corner of the loop. ERP is less than 1W ish in the main lobe at the moment.
Ive worked over the pole on HF/20m this morning so thats a good sign or direction but a long way to go before I start to see or be heard.
I see we are still forecasting more "stuff" from the sun so Im not confident at the moment.The negative affects are pretty immediate.
Chaps - Thanks for the reports from the other stations - nil heard by anyone that reported, but the TS850 as the driver shakedown proved successful. Because the output is low from the 850 pre driver (-20dBm or so into 50 ohms)t Im using a 4046 to produce a 5V square wave from the low level "sine", then driving it into a TC4426 driver at 12V for the Decca - Nice to see the room light dimming a bit on key down :-)
Laurence KL 1X WE 2XPQ Alaska
> Hi,
> how "small" is your loop ???
> 73 de Mauro ik1wvq