Being a glutton for stressing out my antennae coupler WE2XPQ will be QRV from appx 0100Z till dawn or as advised . Carrier frew appx +1500Hz (137.5 appx give or take the software plonk freq preferences)
Mode is Op32 -
The system ran fine overnight with the low -25C at the coupler probably helping -and was very well behaved repeating every hour - looking at OTNP (over the North Pole) Eu conditions are still not the best but at least I could see DCF39.
Im not sure whether we are going to be blessed with any Eu or other country LF openings from up here this year/solar cycle peak as so far there have been too many disturbances. This contributing to high levels of attenuation North and Eastwards from Alaska. Still, thats whats it all about - Empirical measurement and all that.
I noticed that DHO38 went into "Super power" carrier only during its normally quiet period between 07-08Z this morning peaking up to -50dBm for a few mins - not sure if anyone else saw this?
After discussions with a number of Alumni plans are being made to double the area of the loop and attempt to look at reducing the ground losses.
Laurence KL 1 X WE2 XPQ
Rather cool and no snow Alaska