I was partially thinking along the same lines.
The longer darkness and sea-water path perhaps not being the most
important factors. It is dark long enough anyways now in Europe and I
beleive the sea-water path should enable 24/7 reception if being part
of the equation here.
I put my bets on higher QRN and background noise, although there must
be some places in central Europe where the man-made background noise
is unsignificant.
My QTH also has a noise handicap in the order of at least 10dB when it
comes to daytime reception on MF, I would not know what the empty band
sounds like daytime, had I never brought some RX-gear along to more
remote places. Same antenna and RX used in both cases just to be sure.
Those who swear by large wire antennas for RX on MF should know they
are lucky, because that is probably a good sign of living in a
relatively RFI-free environment.
Paul-Henrik, OH1LSQ
Quoting Stefan Schäfer <[email protected]>:
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, maybe this is due to:
-a longer dark time in the upper part of the northern hemisphere (these days)
-a significant part of sea water on the path
-a higher distance to QRN sources (e.g. lightnings between Africa
and Italy in the last days)
-a lower average background noise floor due to the lower population
density in these coutries/locations
and a few more which i will remember after sending this email ;-)
73, Stefan/DK7FC
Am 20.11.2012 16:53, schrieb Steinar Aanesland:
Over an period of 24h I have been WSPRing in Ireland, Shetland Islands,
Sweden and Finland. but no hits in the central Europe.
LA5VNA Steinar
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