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LF: AW: 500kHz JT9-2 v2711 Who called me

To: <>
Subject: LF: AW: 500kHz JT9-2 v2711 Who called me
From: "Beckmann, Gerhard" <>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 22:31:01 +0100
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>
Thread-index: Ac23rRALix6+ijxnRjGh8a1Ss4s0aQAAWUmA

Hello Eddie,

   will call now in JT9-2 on 474 kHz and monitoring on 501,4 kHz


73 de Gerhard




Von: [] Im Auftrag von g3zjo
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2012 22:14
Betreff: LF: 500kHz JT9-2 v2711 Who called me


Well we may get there one day.

My first transmission using v2711 monitored in the shack exactly as previously described and failed with v2706 :-

2054  10    2   0.1 1401.37  0.00   G3ZJO IO92

Some one called me, a fine signal. :-

2056  10  -12  -0.4 1387.53  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10   -2  -0.4 1395.59  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10   24  -0.4 1403.64  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10   -9  -0.4 1411.70  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10   -8  -0.4 1419.76  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10  -16  -0.4 1427.81  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10  -15  -0.4 1435.87  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10  -15  -0.4 1443.93  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10  -14  -0.4 1348.71  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10   -8  -0.4 1356.77  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10  -12  -0.4 1364.82  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10  -14  -0.4 1372.88  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10   -9  -0.4 1380.94  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10   -8  -0.4 1388.99  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10    6  -0.4 1397.05  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10   24  -0.4 1405.11  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10   -8  -0.4 1413.16  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10  -14  -0.4 1421.22  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10  -12  -0.4 1429.28  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10  -16  -0.4 1437.33  0.00   15P6715P67WCV        
2056  10  -17  -0.4 1445.39  0.00   15P6715P67WCV

Arrrgh 21 false decodes instead of the usual 12 with v2706.

Fancy a Morse contact Mal. :-) :-) :-)


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