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AW: LF: First 2 way data qso 600 band DK6NI <> G0NBD

To: <>
Subject: AW: LF: First 2 way data qso 600 band DK6NI <> G0NBD
From: "Beckmann, Gerhard" <>
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2012 23:44:44 +0200
In-reply-to: <>
References: <DEC8EC5BFA7F40D8B99512381373D45B@AGB> <>
Thread-index: Ac2YkP67+NUjhdwsT66eauMVgy7RMwAeYBEg

Hello Roland,

   I think Graham is pointing out that this was the first QSO between G0NBD and DK6NI after some other attempts some month ago. But you are completely right! We had the very first QSO on ROS 7 / 100 last Thursday evening over a distance of about 13 km J.


73 de Gerhard / DK6NI



Von: [] Im Auftrag von Roland Bruestle
Gesendet: Samstag, 22. September 2012 08:51
Betreff: Re: LF: First 2 way data qso 600 band DK6NI <> G0NBD


didn't we already have a QSO on 600m with ROS?

Am 21.09.2012 23:49, schrieb Graham:

First 2 way  cross  band  data  qso  600 band DK6NI <> G0NBD  


G0NBD Tx  501 KHz   Rx  476 KHz


After  many years  of  one way  QSL's   , finally  the  first   two  way   data  qso 


Using   ROS-MF-2  at    -25 dB  s/n   system  limit  in deep  qsb , calls  etc exchanged  using MF-2  mode at  2100 gmt 


Many thanks' Gerhard !


73 -Graham



TX2: 20:54 CQ  De G0NBD  QSX 476 k <STOP>

RX2: 20:58 @ 11.7 Hz: CQ de DK6NI in JN59ln  <CRC-OK> -21 dB  657 miles @ 108  0.477 Mhz


TX2: 20:59 Report: DK6NI de G0NBD  IO83lk S/N: -21 dB, Marge: +4 dB  G0NBD@HOTMAIL.COM (BRM)  <STOP>

RX2: 21:03 @ 13.4 Hz: G0NDB de DK6NI pse k  \«tit aia·  i®


TX2: 21:12 DK6NI de G0NBD S/N: -25 dB,+0 dB qsb :(  qso on 500 at last !!  btu k <STOP>


RX2: 21:15 @ 15.1 Hz: G0NDB DE DK6NI TNX GRAHAM FOR QSO 73 GB  l$Ò Fr0eeo hZfFnQf0 DCa- a©× <CANCEL> -24 dB




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