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Re: LF: Opera crosses the pond

Subject: Re: LF: Opera crosses the pond
From: Stefan Schäfer <>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2012 12:31:56 +0200
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; de; rv: Gecko/20100227 Thunderbird/3.0.3
Hello John, Mike, LF,

That is very impressive. I haven't expected any decodes. My congratulations to John and the the RX stations in the UK.
I think it is not only the path which makes it easier for UK stations to 
get TA decodes but also the much lower QRN. We often suffer from many 
lightnings here in EU, like yesterday. And it looks like all the decodes 
were obtained in times where the path to EU was closed (or at least the 
skywave attenuated) from the UK point of view. All very interesting.
The path from and to TF is somehow completely different and not easily 
compared to the W1 path. Halldór gets very good results from EU but 
rather seldom from the US. Maybe it has to do with the directional TX 
antenna of many US stns.
OP32 is certainly not the most effective mode but seems to establish a 
new playing field. I must admit that i was amazed by the reports i got 
from 17 stations (!) in one single OP32 sequence. A summary of my 
yesterdays decodes is attached. In the late night i stopped transmitting 
but got no OP TA decodes though...
73, Stefan/DK7FC

Am 27.08.2012 10:57, schrieb Mike Dennison:
Last night the overnight Op32 transmission of WD2XES was successfully
decoded twice by three UK stations despite strong QRN from storms in
eastern Euprope.

Details are as follows:

05:01    136 WD2XES de GW0EZY Op32 5064 km -36 dB in Welshpool IO82HO

05:01    136 WD2XES de M0LMH Op32 5146 km -36 dB in Harrogate

05:01    136 WD2XES de G3XDV Op32 5296 km -38 dB in Welwyn, IO91VT

04:29    136 WD2XES de M0LMH Op32 5146 km -39 dB in Harrogate

04:29    136 WD2XES de GW0EZY Op32 5064 km -37 dB in Welshpool IO82HO

04:28    136 WD2XES de G3XDV Op32 5296 km -40 dB in Welwyn, IO91VT

The fact that this was achieved only at UK sunrise shows how much
more difficult this 500km+ path is than the much shorter paths to TF
and Moscow which have been open most of the night recently.

Mike, G3XDV

Attachment: OP32_26to27Aug2012.png
Description: PNG image

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