The three of us had a great day together, talking
about old things and new, eating, having fun, and enjoying a beautiful piece of
live music from DK8KW. And despite
suboptimal QRN conditions, our signal was at least partially readable on
the OK2BVG grabber.
Thanks to Holger and Walter for being
Best 73,
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2012 11:15 AM
Subject: VLF: DK8KW, DJ2LF, DF6NM on air
To my pleasure, the "original German VLF triumvirate", who held
experimental 8.9 kHz licenses back in year 2000, are having a joint VLF / LF /
MF meeting at my house this morning. Holger (DK8KW), Walter (DJ2LF), and myself
(DF6NM) have just erected the antenna and are attempting a 6-letter MFSK-37
transmission. As before, we are using half-hour dashes with 1 mHz spacing above
8970.000 Hz, starting 9:00 UT.
Best 73,
Holger, Walter and Markus