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Re: LF: 0...36 kHz recording, 4 hours from a quiet location

Subject: Re: LF: 0...36 kHz recording, 4 hours from a quiet location
From: Stefan Schäfer <>
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2012 16:36:35 +0200
In-reply-to: <>
References: <204158566A164D98BA02A36F656764DE@acer> <>
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; de; rv: Gecko/20100227 Thunderbird/3.0.3
Hi Henny, VLF,

I run various reprocessings from the yesterdays 4 hour recording (abt 10...14 UTC). To get an overview, this is the wideband spectrogram
Looks good i find. The difference of the lower cutoff frequency when changing the RC highpass is here: Very odd, the levels in the higher VLF are changing too, a slight decrease, although the resistance is higher. Has someone ann explanation for that effect?
A spectrogram of the ULF range and ELF
For comparison, the spectrogram of my grabber in the city, covering the same time The sferics appear stronger, i.e. have a higher S/N while they seem to be lost in the noise on the /p location and antenna. The antenna is the same design (except the 1 MOhm resistor) as in the city and the MSKs appear at good strength too.
Has someone an explanation? May this resistor generate noise or where is the high noise floor coming from? I also thought about microphonic effects...

Unfortunately there was no detection of PA3CPM in "600" and in "6000", Maybe due to the same reacon.

Why does the same design produce good results in the city but not in the forest? Where is the noise coming from? Why does G3ZJO clearly receive ZEVS at 82 Hz with this design but not i ?

I'll go on testing, investigating and playing :-)

73, Stefan/DK7FC

Am 02.04.2012 20:22, schrieb Stefan Schäfer:
Hi Henny, VLF

Thanks for your transmission.
It was a nice day and i took a 4 hour recording during climbing on trees, sleeping and eating in a hammok :-)
Right now i'm running various reprocessings and hope to find your signal out of the noise. I will post screenshots of the complete session later.

If someone wants to play with the recording wav file, it is available at for a while. It is a 1.95 GB file sampled at 72 k/s.

I switched a 1 MOhm resistor in series to the 5k6 resistor of my active receive antenna. The 5k6 resistor should form a high pass with the 10 nF capacitor in the circuit (,97kHz%20active%20E%20field%20antenna%20by%20DK7FC.jpg) By adding the 1 MOhm resistor in series it was clearly seen that the lower cut off frequency dropped to < 1 kHz. The highpass was intended to reduce mains hum and all the stuff below 4 kHz but there in the forest, this is no problem :-)

73, Stefan/DK7FC

PS: On my VLF grabber in the city i see a trace at 8970.002 Hz, maybe this was DF6NM transmitting a test signal too?

Am 02.04.2012 10:11, schrieb henny van elst:
Gm Stefan,lf
the tx is on,8.970 Khz
henny cpm
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