On 4/7/2012 5:01 PM, John Bruce McCreath wrote:
It's the build 134 that I have issues with in NDB mode. It tells me that my sound card doesn't
support the sample rate for that mode. The new Argo won't run in my Win98 antique that I
use for my ham radio programs. Everything else I do with my Mac!
73, Bruce, VE3EAR
I see... the old Argo did use a different sampling rate (don't
remember which, it is stuff of more than 10 years ago..)
so that's understandable. I have reports that both Argo and
Winrad do run perfectly under the Wine emulator of
Linux. Perhaps the same is true also for the Windows emulator of
Mac... I can't check, the only apples that have
ever entered my home are those used to make the apple pie, and I
do not foresee that this will change in the future.. :-)
Thanks for the report.
73 Alberto I2PHD