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LF: 136 KHz 22-Feb (Spain) (III).

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: 136 KHz 22-Feb (Spain) (III).
From: Manuel Carbonell Alanis <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 11:07:53 +0100
Importance: Normal
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]

Dear friends:


DK7FC (~ 136.172), DM4TR (~ 136.174) and ¿ZPO? (~ 136.175) in Spain.


* Offset: ~204.5 Hz ---> 136.175 KHz

* Date: 22Feb12

* Time: 23:33 UTC

* Locator: IN80GL

* Receiver: JRC NRD-545

* Antenna: Wellbrook ALA100 (2.5x5 m, 1 turn, indoor)


Note: the vertical scale is reversed.


73 de


                      -Manuel Carbonell-


-----Remitido por Manuel Carbonell Alanis/Inta el 24/02/2012 11:00 -----

Para: <[email protected]>
De: Manuel Carbonell Alanis/Inta
Fecha: 24/02/2012 10:58
Asunto: Another 136 KHz 22-Feb (Spain).

Dear friends:


Early and nices DK7FC (~ 136.172) and G3KEV (~ 136.173,5) in Spain.


* Offset: ~204.5 Hz ---> 136.175 KHz

* Date: 22Feb12

* Time: 18:53 UTC

* Locator: IN80GL

* Receiver: JRC NRD-545

* Antenna: Wellbrook ALA100 (2.5x5 m, 1 turn, indoor)


Note: the vertical scale is reversed.


73 de


                      -Manuel Carbonell-



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  • LF: 136 KHz 22-Feb (Spain) (III)., Manuel Carbonell Alanis <=