00:16 3575 WE6XGR de PA0A Op4 3698 mi -24 dB in Lucaswolde JO33DE with 500w +
90' vert
00:11 3575 WE6XGR de PA0A Op4 3698 mi -21 dB in Lucaswolde JO33DE with 500w +
90' vert
00:06 3575 WE6XGR de PA0A Op4 3698 mi -28 dB in Lucaswolde JO33DE with 500w +
90' vert
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2012 4:51 PM
Subject: LF: WE2XGR/6 500 kHz OP2 + OP4 test tonight
Start time 00:00 GMT
Is running a OP test using 80
metre settings to give OP2 and OP4 speeds
To RX , you need set 500KHz
dial frequency , but set Opera to the
80 meter band
this will place the Rx signal in the
correct channel.
Spots will show on the psk-map as 80 meters ,
but the call will be WE6XGR
Intending to start OP4 then change to
Tnx -G.