There are plenty of old ex Marine es Military headphones
about that are suitable. 2000 ohms was a common imp for the older headphones. S
G BROWN was a common make in the past plus a variety of others. Old GPO ear
pieces would also suit your requirements.
More recent communications headphones are around 600
Old Crystal sets with a good set of high Z headphones
and a decent antenna like an inv L produced good results, plenty of volume
on MF es LF
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 10:29
Subject: LF: OT: Headphones
Slightly OT but people like Mal and Jim may have an answer.
Is there a "modern" (i.e. can you buy it new today?) headphone set
that is extremely sensitive in the same way that the old DLR5 headsets
were in terms of efficiency converting AF to sound pressure in the ear?
I believe Jim M0BMU claimed 2uV audio power could be heard using DLR5
headsets in his passive mechanical SAQ receiver. As DLR5s are more difficult
to find these days I was wondering if there is anything as sensitive, or more
so, around "new".
73s Roger G3XBM