Hello group,
I was re-reading the chapter on propagation in an RSGB
book on Operating Practice, and it said that the ionisation of our precious F
layers (and also the D absorbtion layer) was caused by Extreme UV radiation.
This is wavelengths 120nm up to 10nm.
We monitor the solar wind and solar flares to try and
predict what changes in propagation will occur, but these things seem mainly to
be negative influences on propagation - things which disrupt the
It would be nice to monitor the EUV levels from the Sun
as well...
so my question is really "does anyone know of a
source of Internet data for this radiation?"
I see there are images taken at 17.1, 19.5, 28.4 and
30.4 nm here http://www.n3kl.org/sun/index.html and
elsewhere, but they are just images, it would be nice to have a NUMBER, akin to
the kp index for geomagnetic activity, giving the total amount of EUV hitting
the ionosphere.
Anyway, I should be interested to here the groups
thoughts about this. Apologies if I'm going over things which have been
discussed before, I do try to follow the discussions on the reflector, but I am
not able to read every post.
Thanks and 73
Hugh M0WYE
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 10:07
Subject: LF: solar wind and LF dx
From Alan Melias LF forecast page (http://www.alan.melia.btinternet.co.uk/latest.htm)
i got this interesting link: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/wsa-enlil/ambient/
which is new for me. It will be interesting for me if we actually have
much worse conds tomorrow...