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Re: LF: Arcing...

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Arcing...
From: Stefan Schäfer <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2011 00:33:15 +0100
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
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Hello Wolf,

In fact it is for our ozone monitor ;-) I haven't seen peaks due to my transmissions though. And the monitor in on a research trip on a ship somewhere in the world since a week. However i have seen my transmission in the graph of global radiation, see This must be due to an EMC problem of course ;-) But today i spent a lot of time to stop the EMC problem by adding some Ls and Cs on the right place. These are now LP filtering the 137 kHz component in the mains supply and a larger L (15 turns on a 50VA mains transformer core) to reduce the current peaks coming from rectifying the mains directly and feeding this to 2x820 uF. Seems to work very well since my both QRSS-120 transmissions of this evening are completely invisible now!

73, Stefan

Am 06.11.2011 21:50, schrieb wolf_dl4yhf:
At least the arc has burnt the cobwebs ;-)

Hope the stainless steel tubing (with the laboratory clamps) in the background are not the intake of an air-pollution monitor. If it was, it may ring an alarm due to a sudden NOx increase..

Nice pictures with the Nikon D700 !

   Wolf .

Am 06.11.2011 20:51, schrieb Stefan Schäfer:
Seems i need some improvements on the spark gap of my LF antenna. Depending on the humidity and wind there is some arcing during the transmissions. These look very fascinating i find. Anyway i have to add a spherical electrode there and increase the gap distance, especially for VLF ;-)

A working colleague of me is a (semi) proffessional photographer (hobby) and i asked him to take some nice pictures. He has an excellent equipment i find but he means he should have taken a different lens for these pictures. Anyway, i really like them. When arcing at the ends of a LF antenna is discussed, sometimes a picture can help a newcomer what is meant. Here are some more examples, in high resolution (abt. 3 MB each)

73, Stefan/DK7FC

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