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Re: LF: CW/136.5

Subject: Re: LF: CW/136.5
From: Stefan Schäfer <>
Date: Sat, 05 Nov 2011 14:19:23 +0100
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>
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PS: The TX QTH is here:

That is even 3.8 km to the TX and well outside any electricity as you can see. So i expect much more chances to receive weaker signals in CW!


Am 05.11.2011 14:04, schrieb Stefan Schäfer:

I'm going to do some /p CW tests in an hour. QRG is then 136.5 kHz.

The TX is my usual LF antenna in the city, keyed via a UHF link out of about 2 km distance. That should be a quiet location.

The first time all the stuff finds its place in a backpack. See:

Not sure if the antenna has enough gain for the distance but i expect it will be ok.

Note that i am using the active ferrite antenna for RX. Thus it may happen that i am nulling out a calling station, so it is worth to call several times, if you like.

The PTT of the TX is quasi connected to the squelch LED of the UHF RX. That works very fine up to >125 Bpm. But maybe it opens sometimes due to a local noise. To the PTT circuit i have added a time limiting watchdog circuit that limits such an unwanted opening to about 10 seconds.

So, looking forward to some QSOs or at least a succesful testing. BTW there is no possibility to answer in QRSS. It is still CW exclusively!

73, Stefan/DK7FC

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