This weekend we are on a fieldday with our local radio club.
One of the OMs provides WLAN in the middle of the countryside,
unbelivable! Thus i can connect to the internet and can run a grabber
page and upload some screen captures in QRSS-3 mode.
I am testing my new RX loop for 137 kHz. Here we have very low man made
noise and connecting the netbooks power supply doesn't change anything
at all :-) So i can run a permanent grabber on
Please take a look and, if you can, try to appear there! :-)
The receiver sensitivity was greatly improved since my last /p grabber
in PA, about 30 dB more gain. I can see the band noise now. Maybe some 5
to 10 dB are still missing for a perfect RX but anyway i got excellent
reception of DF6NM who was perfect audible on 137.0 kHz in the morning
here all over the place in a 500 Hz CW filter!
Unfortunately i cannot answer (=TX) since here are to many trees for a
suitable LF antenna.
The antenna is oriented to null out DCF39, so it points to NNW/SSE, so
PA and UK and OE stns should be visible well :-)
Each picture gets saved here and i will send screenshots for each
successful reception later.
Would be glad to get some traces here, also for showing others.
The grabber will be active until sunday about 11 UTC.
Vy 73, DK7FC/p, also QRV on 30m CW.
PS: There is a local trace at 137.707 kHz which comes from my LO. Will
be removed in a few days, so maybe try 10 Hz apart from that or so.