Hello Henny,
If you turn down the gain of the 'output amplifier' in the circuit
window, does the sound from the soundcard disappear (it should) ?
If not, I guess it's the old 'mixer' problem again - many soundcards
are configured to route the input (from the "line in" jack) directly
to the output ("line out"). SL doesn't touch any of the soundcard
settings, so you need to find the right control (slider, or mute
option) in the soundcard's audio volume control panel (sndvol32, or
whatever program came along with the soundcard).
The effect of the hum filter should be easily audible, because
that's what it was designed for. Btw for 'natural radio' listening,
the FFT-based automatic multi-notch filter is preferred over the old
hum filter (=comb filter).
All the best,
Wolf DL4YHF .
P.S: If you post your question on the SL User's group, and mention
the model of your soundcard, other users may be able to help.
The group's site is
http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/SpectrumLabUsers/ .
Am 08.07.2011 14:28, schrieb henny van elst:
Hello Wolf,
maby you can help me out with a
problem I have with Speclab.I am using speclab to listen to
sferics and whistlers.In the components window I can enable
the humfilter ,the effect is very clearly visible on the
spectrogram,but I can,t hear the difference on the speaker.Am
I forgetting something or is it just not possible on some old
soundcards.It works well on my desktop...Many thank in