Dear Mr. Roger Lapthorn,
My name is Takashi Shishido with Duo Creative Communications,
a Japanese TV production company based in San Francisco,
California. We are currently working with Nippon Television
Network Corp. in Tokyo in producing a news program aired
nationwide in Japan.
We are currently developing a news segment on the late Mr.
Ernst Alexanderson and the event dedicated in his honor,
Alexanderson Day when the only workable Alexanderson alternator
in the world is used to transmit messages from Grimeton radio station
in Sweden.
We are looking for people in the U.S. who plan to receive
the transmissions on Alexanderson Day which falls on July
3rd this year. We've placed ads in newspapers, posted messages
on Facebook and other message boards, but so far no luck.
We noticed that you are one of the few people who is familiar
with this and decided to make a contact.
If you know any amateur radio operators in the U.S. who might
attempt to catch the signals from Grimeton Radio Station on
the above mentioned date, please let us know. Your help would
be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time, and we look forward to your reply.
Takashi Shishido
DUO Creative Communications, Inc.
870 Market St. #1224, San Francisco, CA94102
Tel: 415.433.1048 Fax: 415.433.1049