Hello LF/VLF!
I managed to bring up also the VLF Grabber again, by renewing the BF862
Transistor in the first stage of my VLF E-probe. The D-S channel showed
a shortcut.
Only this fist stage is located outside up on the roof in a shielded and
waterproof box even with 2 diodes protecting the gate. Nevertheless I
think it was damaged by lightning although recent thunderstorms and thus
discharges were away a few kilometres from my QTH.
The PA0RDT (Mini-Whip) is located at the same place without any diodes
to protect the FET but did survive. So either the BF862 is a rather
sensitive device compared to the J310 used in the MiniWhip or it was
just bad luck.
I'm sure the coming summer-season will tell.
LF: members.aon.at/grabber
VLF: members.aon.at/grabber/VLF