Hi all, I saw this the other day and thought it
would be of interest to the group.
Agenda Item 1.16: to consider the needs of
passive systems for lightning detection in the
meteorological aids service, including the
possibility of an allocation in the frequency range
below 20 kHz, and to take appropriate action, in
accordance with Resolution 671 (WRC-07)
Background Information: Resolution 671 (WRC-07)
resolves to invite the ITU-R to conduct and
complete studies related to lightning detection
to enable a decision on an appropriate method for
providing recognition, including the possibility
of making an allocation, to the meteorological aids service
in the frequency range below 20 kHz.
The automated Arrival Time Difference (ATD)
system uses the time differences of signal
received to derive lightning strike locations.
Meteorological organizations analyze the data from
the ATD system and provide forecasts to assist
safety of life, public safety and aviation
operations. Recent ITU-R studies show the optimal
frequency for ATD measurements is around
9.76 kHz.
Recommendation ITU-R RS.[20 kHz ATD PROTECTION]
determined lightning detection systems are
optimized with a 3 kHz bandwidth signal from 8.3
- 11.3 kHz. Any interference in the lower portion, i.e.
8.3 - 9 kHz, would impact the whole system.
Therefore, it is important to protect the full range of the
signal to ensure that the systems will be able to
use their allocated band without interference.
ARTICLE 5 ( note from WB5MMB. where the
following shows 98.3 or 9 8.3 in the text the 9
had a strike mark through it that did not copy)
Frequency allocations
Section IV ? Table of Frequency Allocations
(See No. 2.1)
MOD USA/1.16/1
98.3-110 kHz
Reasons: A primary allocation to the
meteorological aids service in 8.3-11.3 kHz will protect
the lightning detection systems from users
operating under No. 4.4. Interference in the lower
portion, i.e. 8.3-9 kHz, is expected to impact the whole system.
MOD USA/1.16/2
5.53 Administrations authorizing the use of
frequencies below 9 8.3 kHz shall ensure that
no harmful interference is caused thereby to the
services to which the bands above 98.3 kHz are
Reasons: Consequential to the meteorological aids
service primary allocation in the 8.3-9 kHz
frequency band.
MOD USA/1.16/3
5.54 Administrations conducting scientific
research using frequencies below 9 8.3 kHz are
urged to advise other administrations that may be
concerned in order that such research may be
afforded all practicable protection from harmful interference.
Allocation to services
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3
Below 98.3 (Not allocated)
MOD 5.53 MOD 5.54
ADD 5.C116
ADD 5.C116
Reasons: Consequential to the meteorological aids
service primary allocation in the 8.3-9 kHz
frequency band.
ADD USA/1.16/4
5.C116 Use of the band 8.3-11.3 kHz by the
meteorological aids service is limited to passive use.
In the 9-11.3 kHz band, meteorological aids
service stations shall not claim protection from stations of the
radionavigation service submitted for
notification to the Bureau prior to the [date of entry into force of
WRC-12 Final Acts]. For sharing between stations
of the meteorological aids service and stations in the
radionavigation service submitted after this date
the most recent version of Recommendation ITU-R
RS.[20 kHz ATD PROTECTION] should be applied.
Reasons: To protect passive lightning detection
systems below 20 kHz and support a meteorological aids
service allocation, limited to passive use, under
the condition that no undue constraints are placed on
existing services.
SUP USA/1.16/5
Recognition of systems in the meteorological aids service
in the frequency range below 20 kHz
Reasons: The ITU-R completed the required studies for this agenda item.