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LF: Link to ROS VLF 8KHz 0.4 baud Data mode download

To: <>
Subject: LF: Link to ROS VLF 8KHz 0.4 baud Data mode download
From: "Graham" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 13:41:44 -0000
Importance: Normal
Link to  ROS VLF  8KHz  Data  mode  download
This may be of  interest  to  anyone testing  in the  audio  spectrum, operation  is the  same as the  HF an MF modes  , giving  live rtty  facility , beacon , automated e-mail  reports, auto report upload to the psk-reporting system  and  direct  indication  of  RX S/N  , will  run on  'NET Book' pc  so  may be  taken  portable ,or  used as web linked remote monitoring  requiring  only the  soundcard for  tx & rx ...
(previous  versions  are now  time  expired)
 This version of the  ROS MF data  mode  is coded to  allow  the  direct use of a  sound card  for  -on frequency-  transmission and  reception  on the  8Khz band ,


As the  mode is  coded  with a TX and RX  centre frequency  of  8962.5  Hz , the  PC becomes  a software  defined  stand alone ?radio?


To  accommodate  the  use  of  class  e/d  amplifiers  with  ?divide by 2? function  in the  drive chain, the tx toned  may be  switched to   16 Khz with   X2 deviation , which after  amplification, reverts to  the  8 K  parameters


Notably this  is a  live data  mode  (as all  ros modes)  so  there  is no  requirement for  accurate  PC  time setting  and  offers  a  wide ?AFC?  range of  78 Hz negating  the  need  for  high  initial  frequency  stability or ?net?  the  system  is tolerant  of upto  5 Hz drift  after  initial  lock


Notes for its installation / use are posted along with the zip exe file,


Note -  you  will  need  to  have the  normal HF/MF  version  installed  and working  , before the  vlf  exe  will  run   


Obviously  Ros-vlf  cannot bend the  laws  of physics and is a  live  keyboard  data  mode  with  0.4  baud  rate , so  signal  levels will  need  to  be  higher than  those required for  slow time base  ?trace?  observations  , however from initial  tests , it is  functioning well  below  audible  levels ..  Its  advisable to  observe the  mode working at HF at the  higher  baud rates to  gain a overview of its  operation.



Data  summery


Frequency  tx/rx           8950-8975  Hz           

Bandwidth                    25 Hz

Baud rate                     fixed  0.4   /  (0.8 not posted)

Rx AFC range              78 Hz

Drift tolerance               5 Hz

S/N  0.4  Baud             -38 dB



73 - G ..G0NBD


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