Call CQ on say 136.316 and listen/watch for reply on
137.780 Khz approx. There are a number of stations active on the East coast USA
that will reply if they hear/see you
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 8:20
Subject: Re: LF: TA TONITE
Thank you Jim. Such a grabber is a nice tool, but how about a
real QSO? Are there any stations overthere? How about crossband? 73 de
2011/2/15 James Moritz <[email protected]>
Toni, LF Group,
how large is the DX-window at 136.318kHz?
really depends on the bandwidth of the receiving station's spectrograms -
about 136.315 - 136.320 seems to be the range at the moment, with settings
for QRSS60 seeming to be preferred. There is room for numerous stations in
that range- just find a frequency that no-one else is on!
Cheers, Jim
Moritz 73 de M0BMU