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LF: Re: : Alignment of (Narrow Band) DATA and WSPR frequencies on the 50

Subject: LF: Re: : Alignment of (Narrow Band) DATA and WSPR frequencies on the 500 KHz band.
From: Andy Talbot <>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 16:41:27 +0000
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=gamma; h=domainkey-signature:mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to :content-type; bh=zsTd9OyzvE40IqWElMebDrnOsqZUu7VKldSnDlnjrdA=; b=uzOw4SFhMvAT7zlpsvAr3Ur0agYUWAgGELmkU8RI/ZQoh2AQE+dm62W+6wWymv9D5t ZWeJ3jURgAdiigT9YUXmmJqRIH/rvSmDRzhhHsEFiiUrm1pUJrNNBUKmU0fWGiC6X6gb hqpmSSGidVqZ8LN/nED+3FN7JRtcCJmpy44Gk=
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Domainkey-status: good (testing)
...  and now with the subject line correctly spelt ...

On 25 February 2011 16:23, Andy Talbot <> wrote:
In the absence of any further advice, or useful comments 
Its running again, unchanged, on the original frequency.
And observing that several others are still in the 503800 - 504000 region

On 15 February 2011 14:47, M0FMT <> wrote:
Well Rik I am glad you used the word "Over regulation" if you are only talking about a sensible and locally agreed arrangement like me taking my low-power beacon off when requested then I am not against it (The fact I am identifiable by virtue of CW means I can be contacted to say, turn it off).
Your comments about other countries having the same band is well taken. I thought DL's could set up camp anywhere but had to be fixed frequency and LA , OZ had oodles of spectrum to VFO around.
At least in the Wild West every body had a gun! 
I hope you understand I am just putting the counter view to a carve up of 500kc/s it looked like a land grab to me very reminiscent to the Wild West!
73 es GL petefmt

From: Rik Strobbe <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tue, 15 February, 2011 14:14:53
Subject: RE: Re: LF: Re: RE: Alignment of (Narrow Band) DATA and WSPR frequency’s on the 500 KHz band.

I agree that there is no need for strickt regulation (and certainly no overregulation).
But some agreements to "live and let live" will help. At least to me it makes sense that automated operations happen at the band edges (as it is done now most of the time).
I am afraid that the "wild west" will lead to will lead to wild west situations (where often a lot of fighting is involved).
Regarding 501-504kHz: this is certainly not UK only. Also ON, PA, OK and EA are limited to this band. 
73, Rik  ON7YD - OR7T

Van: [] namens M0FMT []
Verzonden: dinsdag 15 februari 2011 14:23
Onderwerp: LF: Re: LF: Re: RE: Alignment of (Narrow Band) DATA and WSPR frequency’s on the 500 KHz band.

I operate a low power Beacon on 501.15kc/s so I bag that frequency now. I have already been shooed off 500 at week ends, but to bag the frequencies I guess it needs to stay on 24/7. I also some times operate at the upper band edge so I bag that frequency also. I will be issuing a list of my favourite frequencies to bagsy them as well shortly.
Rik .. EU station have plenty of channels outside the UK 501 / 504 to play on.
This is the RSGB style channelisation of 2/70 in the early 70's all over again. IMHO this band should be like the Wild West no, "no go" areas.
73 es GL petefmt

From: mal hamilton <>
Sent: Tue, 15 February, 2011 11:21:19
Subject: LF: Re: RE: Alignment of (Narrow Band) DATA and WSPR frequency’s on the 500 KHz band.

This seems a sensible approach. Time division. Keep to the same freq in time slots.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 7:23 AM
Subject: LF: RE: Alignment of (Narrow Band) DATA and WSPR frequency’s on the 500 KHz band.

Hello Graham,
I would suggest to have all digital modes as close as possible to the band edges, leaving the band centre for CW.
For WSPR there are currently 2 segments: one for EU stations to transmit on (503.9kHz +/- 100Hz) and one NA stations to transmit on (501.1kHz +/- 100Hz) to avoid local QRM (or better said RX overload).
So 503.7kHz +/- 100Hz and/or 501.3kHz +/- 100Hz for other digimodes ?
It would be possible to have a single data segment for EU and NA it we go from frequency division to time division: if all EU stations would transmit in the xx:00-xx:02, xx:04-xx:06, xx:08-xx:10 ... time slots and all NA stations in the xx:02-xx:04, xx:06-xx-08 ... time slots they can use the same frequency without local QRM.
But this would require a minor chang in the WSPR software (and maybe also other software).
73, Rik  ON7YD - OR7T

Van: [] namens Graham []
Verzonden: dinsdag 15 februari 2011 2:20
CC: Joe Taylor
Onderwerp: LF: Alignment of (Narrow Band) DATA and WSPR frequency’s on the 500 KHz band.

Alignment of  (Narrow Band) DATA  and  WSPR  frequency’s on the  500 KHz  band.


The  original wspr frequency   502.4  was  defined  as the  working  frequency  to  utilise the  ‘clean’ area  just under the  504  harmonic, whilst avoiding the  various  beacons  running  across  the  501/504  band at the  time. However, time has moved on and there are now numerous ‘dial setting’s’ in use both sides of the Atlantic.


Due to  an apparent  increase  in the  side band  noise  from the  504 signal , possibly by  enhanced  propagation , the  ROS  MF  (100 hz b/w) working  frequency is  to be re defined as  500  USB dial  set  giving a  centre  carrier  frequency of 501.500  


Due  to  Ae  bandwidth and  perhaps  alignment  with   other   band’s,  I   would  suggest the original WSPR  502.4K is  replaced  with the  lower frequency  of  495.9K , thus  restoring the  System’s  coverage and  facilitating  changes  of mode etc within a  narrow bandwidth.


I don’t  see  this  detracting  from the monitoring  of spot  frequency  beacons  over 505Khz , but more  appropriate   to  transmitting  stations , which  by the  nature of the  antenna arrays are  not  able  comfortably  to  qsy  from  top  to  bottom of the  band without  re-tuning, not  always a  simple  option.


Comments  or  suggestions please ?.





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